Thursday, June 17, 2010

We all know now that Republicans are Assholes. That they're corrupt. That they're idiots. But to see one apologize to BP? Oh, man, THAT'S insane

In some ways I feel sorry for Republicans.

I mean, they have to live with themselves, knowing that they crashed the economy, and ruined millions of lives all over the world.

They have to know by now that they launched an illegal, immoral, reckless and stupid war for oil in Iraq, costing Americans over $1 trillion and leading to the deaths of tens of thousands of innocents.

And now, they're the party that APOLOGIZED TO BRITISH PETROLEUM. After two corrupt oil men seized the White House and led the country to ruin, one of their stooges was stupid enough to APOLOGIZE TO FUCKING BRITISH PETROLEUM, AFTER THE WORST ENVIRONMENTAL DISASTER IN US HISTORY.

Yes, Republicans are Assholes. Yes, they're corrupt. Yes, they're brain-dead idiots.

But damn.



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