Monday, August 1, 2011

Republicans are Assholes? That was just for starters. Now we know the truth - Republicans are Terrorists

Do what we say or we'll kill the nation.

We'll destroy the economy.

We'll destroy the credit standing of the United States.

We'll destroy America's image around the world.


The Republican Assholes' behavior these past few weeks has been nothing short of treasonous. Their behavior has been un-American. And you know what?

It's not a surprise.

Republicans are a cancer. They are evil, and they must be stopped. Not by Democrats - they're evil and corrupt and nearly as bad. No, the Republican Assholes must be stopped by sane, free-thinking, uncorrupted patriotic Americans, banding together to vote out both parties, especially the party who held this nation hostage, and was fully willing to pull the trigger.

Republicans are Assholes. Economic terrorists who crashed America's economy, and then came minutes away from putting the fatal bullet in our heads.